Alex Conner

Alex Conner

Cagles Mill Lake

Cataract Falls and Lieber SRA make up the Cagles Mill Lake [] property. This is a pretty gorgeous place to visit though fairly short on trails.

WAN On the Run

Disclaimer: You probably shouldn’t do it this way. This way of getting Internet on the road is complicated, expensive, and genuinely overkill even for my needs. For more information on what reasonable


You can’t sleep in it if it doesn’t have a bed… In a minivan conversion, you really can’t do anything until you decide on the bed situation. The bed is

Starting Electrical

I’m not sure what size electrical system I need. Back of the napkin, and with my personality, I feel like 200W of solar, a DC-to-DC Charger, and 400Ah of usable battery banks

About the Build

I wanted, for both me and you, to sit down and write out what the goals in the first build out were. I talked briefly in Buying the Van [